A couple of centuries ago when science was just beginning to understand the universe and its mechanisms, the Hindus created a way of explaining their world using logic and reason. This system is actually very scientific when you think about it. Here’s a look at how the hindu tradition used Scientific Logics to describe the world around them


Namaste is a unique tradition since a long time in Nepal. There is absolutely a scientific logic behind Namaste, Namaskar in the culture of Hindu and other religions in Nepal. Joining both hands at the chest level makes the gesture, which ensures touching the lips by the finger together.

In the same way, it is also linked to making some pressure points in the ears, eyes, and eventually, the mind. This is how pressing them together can help to activate these and also try to remember the same person for an extended period of time.

Toe rings

In Nepal, women wear toe rings on the second toe of their feet. The idea of this wearing is mainly related to the nerve from where it connects the uterus and leads to passage through the heart system. This is why the toe ring helps strengthen the uterus and keeps us healthy.

It also regulates the flow of blood efficiently to the heart due to this region. This is a scientific region behind having a ring on the toe of women, It also indicates the symbol of fruitful messages. Moreover, it is a women’s menstrual cycle that is to be regularized.

scientific reason behind tilak on forehead

The spot between a person’s eyebrows that the loss of energy also retains this to take control of various levels of our concentration. Moreover, this is one of the acts which applies and ensures its points at the mind blow region, and Ajna-Chakra are seen there pressing and facilitating blood supplying to the facial muscles in humans.

So this is almost a scientific region behind putting tilak on the middle of the forehead and indicates glory and belief towards god.

Bells in temples

Bells in the ring of the temple are seen in the various Hindus in Nepal. Followers ring the bells of the temple while praying with a god or goddess, and the sound of this bell is too clear to our mind. It will help to keep our concentration on devotion and stay sharp and calm.

In addition, the bells are made and put on the front of the temple. They create unity in the right and left parts of our brain. The bell produces an echo to activate all seven healing centers in the human body by clearing all our negativity.

Throwing coins in a river

In the past, Nepal had a culture of making copper-made currency for exchanging goods. Before, there was a barter system in the rule. People consider it as a vital metal for the human body. In the same way, throwing the coins in a river was kind to intake sufficient copper as a part of the water in rivers flowing in Nepal was taken as the primary source of drinking water.

Not sleeping with your head pointing north

Based on scientific theory, the human body has its magnetic field. In the same way, we all know that Earth is a giant magnet. The human head that points in the direction of your body’s magnetic field will be asymmetrical to the Earth. It will eventually cause many problems, mainly related to blood pressure, since the head of humans needs to work harder to overcome this.

This is a scientific reason that painting heads toward the north are not good for health. There are also various roles and sayings in the culture of the Hindu religion for a long time.

Piercing ears

In Nepal, piercing of ears is very common. Many women do it in their ears to represent the beauty and glory of women. Physicians and philosophers believe that piercing ears help them develop the power of thinking, growing maturity, intellect, and decision-making faculties. This is an abstract reason why most women and also men used to pierce their ears.

Surya Namaskar

Most Hindu religious people have thought to pay special respect to the sun as an ultimate God. There is a kind of whole process which is specially done in the early morning through Surya Namaskar. When you also go for waking up in the early morning helps to follow some kind of rule as a routine and to be prone to a morning lifestyle.


Fasting is a complete religious trend that has been in effect in Nepal since the historical era. This is a unique form of giving attention to God, which helps to make the life of people healthy and prosperous. On the other hand, Ayurvedic seems to be one of the primary causes of most diseases due to the accumulation of toxic materials inside the digestive system.

The reason behind a religious fact there also a logical scientific fact is that the digestive organs of humans get rest. In the process, it cleans and corrects in order all of our body system mechanisms .


The fascinating thing is that a sindoor is the result of mixing turmeric, metal mercury, and lime. The intrinsic which are due to sindoor help in the body is mercury controls blood pressure control, activities sexual drive, and finally, more things in the human body mechanism.

Thus, the main properties of the sindoor, which should be applied right of the pituitary gland in the head, are centered where our feelings are completely centered.

Wearing Bangles

The logic behind wearing bangles causes constant friction within the wrist of the hand. This leads to an increase in the blood circulation level in the human body. Furthermore, the electric current that passes through our outer skin can revert again by its own body because of the ring-shaped bangles.

These are the various types of Hindu traditions practiced in Nepal. A lot of science logic is behind a single Hindu tradition. The recent history and ancient songs are used to teach it. This is why you’ll be amazed by seeing some of the miraculous things in Nepal during your visits.