Nepal has already launched the “Visit Nepal 2020” campaign this from January 1, 2020, with the aim of achieving 2 million tourists. The main source of tourism flow has been seen in the Chinese country. At the same time, China has been going through the biggest problem in the world. China suffers from Coronavirus which is new diseases spreading all over the world. We have been hearing news of Coronavirus has been killing 200 above people and begun to alarm Nepal’s tourism sector. Nepalese government also trying to step up to prevent of spreading of diseases.

Until now you don’t need to be more panicked because the situation has not yet critical. We have been gone through the different respiratory diseases which are almost seasonal influenza ‘swine flu’ and ‘avian influenza’ before. Nepalese media are sharing information on how to be protected and prevented from the virus. This is a serious concern to the Nepalese government to make their peoples safe form the diseases.

According to the ministry of health, they have put the ambulances standby at Tribhuvan International Airport. If they will notice a suspect with certain symptoms will be immediately transferred to the hospital. Nepalese government had also set up the screen center for prevention at the international airport and border area of a country. Then the ultimately infected person with that virus will be transferred and diagnosed as soon as possible. According to BBC  till Jan 31, – the death toll from the new coronavirus now stands at 106, with the number of infections almost doubling in a day to more than 4,500. Most of the deaths have been in Hubei province.

Talking about the situation of Nepalese tourism after this alertness. We have deep sympathy for the situation of the Chinese government to be strong and find a solution as soon as possible. The level of tourism economy will down after this situation. Not only in China it has almost reached 22 of the country in the world. The world health organization also gives concern about it. They are saying not to visit the countries for some time in this phase because it will create devastating influences with the people. That country which is a safe zone they can visit freely under the supervision of their own government. We need to be patient for some time but at the end of the day, we will rise and lead our visit Nepal project effectively and easily to the international sector.

Symptoms of Coronavirus

– Runny nose for a long time
– Continuous cough
– sneezing
– Fever in rare cases
– Exacerbated asthma
– Fatigue
– Sore throat

Treatment and a prevention method of Coronavirus

– Avoid smoky and smoking areas.
– Avoid and rest overexertion
– Use a clean humidifier or cool mist vaporizer.
– Have an enough water
– Don’t spend a long time in a rapid mass of people.
– Take acetaminophen, ibuprofen or naproxen to reduce pain and fever.

Coronavirus Types

There are almost six types of coronavirus that can directly in with human civilization.
a. 229E (alpha coronavirus)
b. NL63 (alpha coronavirus)
c. OC43 (beta coronavirus)
d. HKU1 (beta coronavirus)

  1. MERS-CoV, (Dangerous)
  2. SARS-CoV(Dangerous)

Let’s not be much panic and stress due to such a virus. It will not affect the person with a strong sense of heart and sense to be motivated all the time. We have mentioned the symptoms, prevention, and types of coronavirus so that you will get the knowledge to be safe.