Nepal is also one of the leading countries in conserving cultural and historical diversity worldwide. Nepalese are also the most interesting hospitality generating country. We say hello by joining two hands at the chest level and bending the head, known as Namaste or Namaskar.

The cultural influence of this country is tolerant of tourists despite getting them to the destination by receiving for almost four decades and so on. Due to the environmental, demographic, political disruption, and cultural variations, it can be almost challenging. This is also interrelated with the variety of places to travel to in Nepal.

If you plan a trip to Nepal, you realize it will be hard to manage all your expectations, worries, and fears. But there is nothing to worry about. We have the top 5 best tips for visiting Nepal, which will help you make a shortlist of the different things to do in Nepal that you should come up with.

1) Visa and Trekking Permits in Nepal

Nepal tourism board or Trekking agencies need to consult for the permit process, known as the Trekker’s Information Management System (TIMS). This is most important to visit the various destinations you have booked before trekking in Nepal. The varieties of visa processes that range to different validity and price levels are also available for the people.

The visa can be taken from the immigration office in Nepal in Kathmandu airport, Tribhuvan International Airport. The most important thing necessary to issue a visa in Nepal is your legal passport with a minimum of six months of validity. This is also a compulsion for trekking activities in Nepal. These things are one of the most important tools for entering the country or land outside our permanent place.

2) Prosper Healthcare

Health is the most crucial part of human life. If you don’t have health, you will live the worst life on the planet. Nepal is a developing country and in the process of development. This is why you may go through some of the dusty roads and different types of development projects. You may sometimes feel worse about traveling because the massive earthquake broke down in 2015. In contrast, the country is recovering as soon as possible.

The capital of Kathmandu is polluted nowadays due to the construction work. We recommend you wear a mask for your health and before presentations during the trekking program. The change in the climatic conditions may also cause illness as you are out of your environment. The things like masks, tissue paper, hand washing soap or sanitizer, and antibiotics are essential things for the priority of your health. These are the caring products of your health that you need to take with you during your travel activities.

In some destinations, there will be no chance of getting medical kits and supplies. In that condition, you need to carry this thing like an antibiotic and aid kit for the initial destination or any city area.

3) Proper clothing

When you are visiting Nepal, you should also be concerned about clothes. It is necessary because Nepal has four seasons in a year. You can experience one of them while visiting Nepal. In the same way, you can even experience the various climatic changes. Before moving to Nepal, we recommend you study the environment and climatic situation. It will help you to travel comfortably. The clothing materials could also be found anywhere in Nepal if you wanted extra clothes or your travel activities.

4) Expert guide

Traveling to other parts of the globe really challenges you in life. In the same way, if you travel alone, then you need to go through numerous disadvantages. This is the thing you should make sure of before traveling to any region of the world. You should always apply for your tour with a trustworthy trekking advisor and traveling expertise. This is important because you are going to an unknown place for travel purposes smooth and safe.

Furthermore, you will be provided with a well-trained guide with additional knowledge and information on a place you are expected to visit. The well-trained and experienced guide will ensure the safety of guests traveling along the adventurous and dangerous route trek of your confirmed destination in Nepal.

5) Foreign Currency

Travelers should exchange the local currency of Nepal in various foreign exchange offices available in the area before their departure. Nepalese currency is not only unacceptable outside the country but cannot be exchanged too. Thus, exchanging all your currency here in Nepal before you leave the country is necessary. Furthermore, carrying Nepalese currency outside the country is considered illegal.

Final Say

Overall, Nepal is a remarkable place to visit, and most of its inhabitants will be happy to see you and help as you navigate the country.

Following these top 5 best tips for visiting Nepal should make your experience more enjoyable and safer. As always, please ensure you listen to your guide’s advice in each place you visit, and never push yourself beyond what you feel comfortable with. Enjoy your travels!